
Friday, December 30, 2011

Hot Cocoa Shop

C is for Cocoa! During snack time at preschool, I set up a hot cocoa shop. Each kiddo was given $1.00 in play money. We had a cashier, register, and real hot cocoa. (well hot chocolate packets). We talked about how you buy things you want and need. Then, if the kids wanted to... they could purchase hot cocoa. Each kids was given a foam cup, packet of hot chocolate and a spoon. I came around with the hot water and added it to their cup after they emptied their packet into the cup. We even had extra mini marshmallows that I bought at a local bulk food store. The kids had a blast! :) So much fun! I came home and set it up for the daycare kids as well. :) Learning should be fun! :) :) :) And this was!
Here are a few pictures from the shop at daycare, I forgot to take my camera to school!

 We used real mugs at home.

Nice art work, Cort!
 Cashier, Autumn

 Fine Motor Marshmallows!

 Don't be afraid of a mess. It took 3 seconds to clean up. So worth it!


  1. Too cute, we play store ALL the time at our house. It is such a great way to teach math and life skills. At first our prices were too low, then as time went on, they were sky high, right now, the big kids are figuring out REAL prices. I think we may have to do this tomorrow. I'm gonna add marshmallows, candy canes, cinnamon shaker, whipped cream and hazelnut syrup each for a price. That will teach them about Starbucks prices too! That's why Mommy nevers goes there! :)

    Thanks for the idea.

  2. They looked like they had a lot of fun - its too hot for hot chocolate where I live right now, but it might be fun to use this idea with iced cooldrinks or ice lollies.

  3. This looks so neat! I have been planning a hot chocolate theme for my kids at home and I think I will include this idea. Many thanks!
    btw- found you through homeschool creations

  4. Thank you for linking up to the Best of 2011 Blog Party!!! What a cute idea! We love imaginative play at our home. Happy New Year!

  5. Hi! Thank you for joining in the Best of 2011 Blog Hop. What lovely pictures - they really tell the play story. And free marshmallows - that's my kina cafe!

  6. This is waaaaaaaaaay cute!! LOVE it =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Happy New Year,
    Beth =-)
