
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Preschool: Pumpkin Number Identification Exercise/Evaluation

Feels like forever since I posted! Well, that is because we welcomed our Baby Girl into our lives in the middle of August. We are so in love and a little sidetracked. She has become the most interesting thing in our lives!

But I am back to work and excited to be back into the swing of things. This week, we got in the fall spirit with some fun pumpkin activities. I wanted to share just one with you today. That is all I have time for before Baby Girl needs me again. :) 

 To prepare, use copy paper to make some pumpkin seed shapes and number 1-10. You will need one set for each student. You will need to copy a large pumpkin reproducible onto orange paper (1 per student as well). Set up your table like this: set of number mixed up, the pumpkin and a glue stick.

Working one on one, ask student to find the seed with the number one on it. If they can identify it correctly, have them glue it into their pumpkin. Proceed with numbers 2-10. If they are having trouble identifying the numbers, you want to try to point to a seed and ask them, "Do you know what number this is?" That helped some of the children who had a hard time understanding the directions. Sometimes it just needs presented in a different manner. 
 This is a great little way to evaluate number identification. I pop these into the children's portfolios.

If a student identifies the number incorrectly, I just gently correct them and move on to the next numbers. Helping them identify them along the way. If they know none, often times I will practice 1,2,3 with them for a while and then see if they can identify the number one after that. 

The kiddos really seem to enjoy the "game" whether or not they get to glue seeds in. They don't even know they are being evaluated! 

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