
About Me

If you are new here, I invite you to read Our Story

Addicted to: Food Network, blog hopping, cooking, buying hair products I will never use, jamming to all kinds of music, hot-tubbing, anything Disney, jewelry, painting my nails, movies, NCIS, reading a good book, Youtube sensations, indie music, facebook, Audrey Hepburn, random googling, my Macbook Pro, lip balm, USA network, and yoga pants.

Compulsive: Email checker.

Inspired by: Audrey Hepburn, people who make no excuses for who they are, people who know no strangers, givers, the honesty of children.

Who am I?: A wife,  a mommy (august 2013), a follower of Christ, a preschool teacher, a kid at heart. 

Future aspirations: To be the person who makes a difference for someone, travel the world, to read the classics ( I have a natural aversion to them.) 

Things I hate: Cilantro, self righteousness, war, injustice, poverty, famine, destruction, hurtful words, politics, hypocrisy.

Who I love: My husband, Justin, My baby girl, My dogs, Paisley and Skuttle, My family, Jesus, my students. 

My philosophy of life: Each of us where created by God for a purpose. Ultimately we can decide if we will obey or let temptation get in the way. Hold yourself accountable. Always ask yourself, "Why do I do what I do?" 

My daily life: Preschool teacher who cooks for her family and blogs for you! :)

I hope you enjoy!