
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All the Children of the World

Last year I published one of my most popular/pinned posts about our Children of the World unit in preschool. Go here to see it.

This year I added some new things and I wanted to share one of them with you today. It is important to affirm a child's identity, promote diversity and understand what skin color means. We can do this by making sure we have our classrooms stocked with toys and books that promote diversity. Multi-cultural dolls, costumes in dramatic play, food in our kitchen centers are ways to do this. Don't forget the book corner too! I will share some new books that I was able to get this year for my classroom that will affirm identity and promote diversity.

 This year I taught my kiddos that our skin color tells our story. It tells us where our families our from, what our heritage is.  We mapped our heritage again this year:
We read books and stocked our Book Corner with these:
You can find it Here.

Go here

Go here

Go here

We also made a craft of our faces to hold while we sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children"
I originally told kiddos to pick  a head that is their skin color. Then make it look like them.
One class did a great job matching their skin color. My other class insisted they wanted to be different colors, brown mostly! 
I let them choose. 

Provide them with multi colored faces, yarn, scissors, googley eyes, eye stickers, markers and sequins for earrings. We taped sticks to the back. 

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